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A Guide on Using SEO Optimised Content for Digital Marketing

Previously, having a strong online presence was something that could be beneficial for your business. Now, as the internet is an integral component in the lives of 99% of consumers, having a strong online presence is an absolute necessity for any company, regardless of its size or how long it has been operating. 

The line between what is a pro and what is a con for businesses in the age of the internet is incredibly thin. Where they have the opportunity to reach customers all over the world at the click of a button, at the same time, whenever a customer searches for something, they are met with a plethora of options from organisations all over the world. As such, one of the most effective ways for businesses to drive traffic to their site and stand out amongst the competition is by creating SEO optimised content. 

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and essentially means creating content on your website, which ranks highly on Google. Businesses achieve this by creating content that uses frequently searched keywords, meaning when customers search those specific keywords, their website appears. There are a number of different SEO techniques available to businesses that can help increase the number of users who visit their websites. Below is a straightforward guide containing some top tips on how to utilise SEO optimised content for digital marketing success. 

Publish Unique Content Regularly 

Producing new and engaging content on a regular basis, regardless of whether you are trying to sell to other businesses or consumers, is incredibly important. This content should contain the keywords that you want to rank for, i.e., what you want people to search in order to come across your business. It should also contain unique and engaging content which will prompt people to click on your website and consider using your services after doing so. 

This is difficult to do as it requires creativity and discipline to achieve. It can also be time-consuming, which isn’t ideal for people who have enough on their minds trying to run their business as it is. For these reasons, some companies opt for the help of marketing agencies that can produce such content. Alternatively, some businesses will enlist the assistance of organisations such as Click Intelligence or LinkPublishers, which offers link building services. This means they will publish content promoting businesses on sites that already rank highly on Google, which in turn drive sales towards that business’s website. For more information on this service, follow the link www.clickintelligence.co.uk. 

Provide Links to Other Sites in Your Content 

This is something that a lot of businesses are usually hesitant to do as they fear it will drive people away from their website; however, when you provide links, this can benefit your business for a couple of reasons. 

Firstly, you are sending out trackable traffic. This will help your site become a more valuable and scalable resource, and it is an effective way to make useful connections. If you provide a link to an influencer’s site, notify them, after which if your post has helped generate more traffic to their website, you can work together more in the future and assist with building each other’s brands. 

Not only is this useful for making connections; however, it also gives your site more credibility and will ensure your content comes across as high quality. If you are using links to pages that offer good value to readers, upon reading your content, potential customers will also come across other helpful posts. They will remember this and be sure to visit you in the future with any similar questions they may have pertaining to your industry. Providing links to sites does not drive clients away; if anything, it retains them. 

Promote Publications on Social Media 

Social media is an incredibly effective marketing tool for all businesses. Uploading a blog post that contains SEO optimised content can be effective for ranking on Google, but by posting it to sites like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, you are only increasing your visibility more. 

Not only this, but you are also further increasing your chances of audience retention. When you upload something to social media, you are opening a dialogue between yourself and potential customers, during which you can promote your services, show off your quality and answer any questions they may have. Thanks to this engagement, whenever you upload a new post, promote a product, or provide a business update, you will already have an active audience waiting to hear all about it. 

Utilise Analytics Tools 

Google Analytics is an incredibly useful tool for any business, but it can be especially helpful when assessing how effective your SEO content is. By reviewing the different reports available on Google Analytics, you will be able to see which posts were especially successful in increasing the amount of traffic to your website. This can help you plan future marketing strategies as you will have an understanding of what content is most beneficial for your business and how much you need to deviate (if at all) from what you’re already doing. 

Remove Anything from Your Website That Slows it Down 

While using SEO to drive traffic to your site is important, it won’t mean much if those visits don’t convert to sales or lead to customer retention. While the content you produce and the services you offer are important, the quality of your site is also paramount when it comes to determining whether people will return or not. 

In a recent report by Strange Loop, they found that a slow website frustrates users, to the extent that a mere one-second delay in page loading time yields a 7% drop in conversion. While delays in websites could be excused years ago, this is something consumers today are not prepared to accept, and given they have such endless access to sites worldwide; they will not stay on one that is slow. 

Not only does it frustrate clients, but a slow page speed could undermine the hard work you put into creating SEO optimised content. The reason for this is that Google has now incorporated page speed into their ranking factors, so if you have a slow website, no matter how well you use keywords, you will not rank highly on their search engine.